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Kata is a Japanese word; (Hyung in Korean) for a pre-arranged sequence of movements in a structured format that functions to develop fighting skills, power, focus, and fluidity in the martial arts. At the Center for Humane Living we practice 15 different Katas, taught sequentially for each advancement of belt rank or color. Kata provides a format to practice the basics independently through diligent practice and repetition. 


*Note* All are copyrighted by The Center for Humane Living. 

Kata 1: Ki Cho Il Bu

Kata #1: 

Orange Belt

Kata 4: Pyung Ahn Cho Dan

Green Belt

Kata #4: 

Green Belt

Kata 1: Ki Cho Il Bu

Kata #7:

3rd Red Belt

Kata 2: Ki Cho Ee Bu

Yellow Belt

Kata #2:

Yellow Belt

Kata 5: Pyung Ahn Ee Dan

Blue Belt

Kata #5: 

Blue Belt

Kata 1: Ki Cho Il Bu

Kata #8:

2nd Red Belt

Kata 3: Ki Cho Sam Bu

2nd Yellow Belt

Kata #3:

2nd Yellow Belt

Kata 6: Pyung Ahn Sam Dan

2nd Blue Belt

Kata #6: 

2nd Blue Belt

Kata 1: Ki Cho Il Bu


Black Belt Form

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