Black Belts
Thru the Years
Black Belt Lineage
Since the opening of the first school, Dr. Foley has promoted 66 students that have earned the rank of Black Belt, with many being promoted as High levels including Master Level. When promoted, each student has been gifted a name that is reflective of their Journey to Black Belt.
Achieving the rank of Black Belt at The Center for Humane Living usually requires 6 or more years of training. At the time of promotion to the rank of Black Belt, students receive a representative unique “Black Belt name” and an interpretive, Chinese kanji artwork reflecting their name. The names are selected by Grand Master Foley after careful consideration of the student’s training journey, demonstrated character and overall representative strengths and virtues. The student’s Black Belt name is embroidered on their new black belt and their Chinese kanji is made into a signature ink stamp to authorize their signatures on promotion certificates. Students are encouraged to gather further knowledge and experience as they live the true intent of their black belt names.
Dr. Michael Foley * PEACE
Bonnie Mangold (Foley)* ENERGY
Lori Walfoort (Contreras) * POWER
Jennifer Contreras * GRACE
Misha Sims * INTELLECT
Donnie Lockwood * WISDOM
Michelle Kimpton * HEART
Dr. Lisa Dado * COMPASSION
Albert Contreras * PASSION
Donna Heath * SPIRIT
Kelly Basfield * BALANCE
Molly Foley * CARING
Jason Gertell * HUMILITY
Nicole Kimpton * PERSERVERANCE
Andrew Heath * FOCUS
Dr. Andrea Berkemeyer * (Tukan) BRAVERY
Michael Foley * MERCY
Dr. Natalie Pate (Tukan) * PURITY
Eric Heath * PATIENCE
Therese Tukan * COMPOSURE
Allyson Sapp * INTENSITY
William Sapp * RESPECT
Carl Clarizio SR * FRIENDSHIP
Noelle Francois * WATER
Dr. Aly Tukan * HAPPINESS
Dr. Karrie Francois * VITALITY
Trevor Sapp * CONFIDENCE
Dr. Lester Tukan * COMMITMENT
Dr. Steve Erickson * HONOR
Loren Wine * SERVICE
Dr. Carlos Diazcadena * DISCIPLINE
Nathan Francois * KNOWLEDGE
Justine Wallitschek * INDIVIDUALITY
Janice Wallitschek * OBLIGATION
Mark Blayney-Moore * TRADITION
Lindsey Erickson * ILLUMINATION
Nicole Erickson * PRESENCE
Katie Erickson * CREATIVITY
Astrid Arrellano (Bojorquez) * EMERGING
John Francois * TEACHER
Dan Clements * DEVOTION
Sandi Orenstein * FAMILY
Esme Estrada * FAITH
Andrew Overlin * GENEROSITY
Joe Bogushefsky * REVERENCE
Dominick Nardone * APPRECIATION
Lisa Nardone * RESILIENCE
Alexa Nardone * ELEGENCE
Doug Palmer * PURPOSE
Alex Palmer * DISCOVERY
Zoe Orenstein * KINDNESS
Diana Padilla * WARRIOR
Karla Felix * FORTITUDE
Jeanne Nation * INSPIRATION
Stephanie Nation * LEADERSHIP
Andy Goldstein * EMPATHY
Andrea Arrieta * MINDFULNESS
Tanner Orenstein * STRATEGY
Karla Zych * WELLNESS
Dominick Nardone III * THOUGHTFUL
Mohan Belthur * CONSISTENCY
Meghana Belthur * VIRTUOUS