Curriculum by Belt Rank
Volunteer Hours
Volunteering your time and talent to CHL will not only aid in allowing the organization to function more effectively, but it will open you to new experiences, new friendships, and promote self-growth. The Board has devised a plan to keep all students engaged as active members of CHL.
As a testing requirement, each student’s volunteer hours for various “CHL jobs” or CHL committee participation will be evaluated by the testing committee prior to each rank advancement test.
Volunteering is one piece of criteria necessary to advance in rank. Upon acceptance of a testing invitation it is the student’s responsibility to provide the designated black belt member with documentation of approved volunteer hours.
Below is a breakdown of hours per test period per rank that is obligatory by each student. Read it as the rank you are seeking is the number of hours needed.
For low and middle ranks, the above volunteer hours are to be completed prior to your rank advancement test. For red and black belts, the 50-hour requirement is a yearly obligation.
Volunteer hours are meant to promote the growth of our school while providing you with accountability and responsibility to the organization and society at large.
Identifying grants and/or writing a grant proposal is a volunteer activity that the CHL Board of Directors sees as a highly valued commodity for the organization. This project can be undertaken by one or multiple individuals collaborating together.
Chairing a fundraising event or securing corporate sponsorship for fundraising events, thus creating an alliance that will provide value for both organizations, are also examples of ways CHL can benefit from your volunteer efforts.
Committee work is an excellent opportunity for all ranks to accomplish the required hours needed. Please see the website and contact the champion directly for current committee projects. Also, e- mails are sent to all students when various school events are in progress. Where can you be of assistance?
Camp Chaos is an annual school event, held during the summer, that holds many opportunities for volunteer assistance.
Teaching is a volunteer option that is highly encouraged for the red and the black belt candidates.
It is the student’s responsibility to log one’s own hours and have a Sensei or committee chairperson sign off upon completion.
**Remember, completion of volunteer hours is one of the requirements used to determine if a student is eligible to test. So be creative, embrace the experience, and grow.**
In addition to the above noted volunteer hours for each rank of red and black belt advancement, you are required to submit a written proposal for a community service project that is directly related to the specified interests of CHL. Submit this document for board approval to any 5th Dan or higher by hard copy at least two weeks prior to the exam for red belts and one month prior to the exam for black belts.
This 50-hour project should demonstrate the true essence of the “Martial Spirit”. If this project has the possibility for continuing, and has your ongoing participation and commitment, it can be started for one level of rank promotion and if continued, the same project can be used for additional promotions. However, if it is a one-time, limited project it may only be used for one rank promotion and a new project must be completed for further rank advancement.
Please note that students achieving the rank of black belt are expected (as an adult) to start their own training program under the premise of free martial arts education. Alternatively, become actively involved with teaching in an already established CHL school.
Training and teaching are life-long commitments for those achieving the rank of black belt at CHL.
As a 501-C3 non-profit organization; The Center for Humane Living does not charge fees for training or class instruction.
Fees, however will be required for rank advancement tests to cover expenses. Please reference the rank for which you will be testing.
Students unable to complete the community service hours or pay the testing fees may continue to attend classes and train.
Students will be encouraged to participate in CHL fundraising activities to raise funds and volunteer hours that may be used to defer the testing requirements (ex. participate/organize a fundraiser, donate to CHL QCO, etc.).
In order to be considered for belt rank promotion at The Center for Humane Living, student meet the following participation criteria.
3-month minimum training period after last rank promotion
Attendance of 2 classes per week or 24 total classes
A minimum of 70% of 24 classes (17 classes) are required in order to be eligible to test.
Referral for consideration of rank promotion by Sensei of Sa Bum Nim
Belt Ranks GREEN-1st RED
6-month minimum training period after last rank promotion
Attendance of 2 classes per week or 48 total classes
A minimum of 70% of 48 classes (34 classes) are required in order to be eligible to test.
Referral for consideration of rank promotion by Sensei of Sa Bum Nim